President Chen Shiyi Visits University of Technology Sydney



March 27th saw Chen Shiyi visit UTS. Vice-chancellor and President Attila Brungs, Vice-chancellor (International Affairs) Iain Watt, Deputy Vice-chancellor (Research) Kate McGrath, Director of Research and Innovation Office Martin Lloyd, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) Ian Burnett, and Dean of the UTS Graduate School Lori Lockyer joined the meeting.


President Attila Brungs welcomed President Chen Shiyi and the delegation. He talked about the scientific research and education at UTS, as well as its international cooperation. He said that since his visit to SUSTech in December 2016 and the signing of the cooperation agreement, they have frequently interacted in research and education. There have been many positive results, particularly in scientific research and training of doctoral students. President Attila Brungs hoped to have more collaboration with SUSTech.

During the meeting, a framework agreement was signed for further scientific cooperation. The agreement aimed to promote international cooperation in scientific research, while supporting collaboration in biomedical materials and devices. It also sought to explore the establishment of joint research institutes related to biomedical materials and devices at both universities.

President Chen Shiyi Visits Chair Prof. Jin Dayong's Lab 





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